Saturday, April 6, 2024

NaPoWriMo #5 - Wild Thing

I see my grandson

at two,

running wild,

his orange curls

bouncing with each step.

He jumps and runs and climbs

with so much energy

so much fierce joy.


And I wonder

when do we lose that?

The breakneck rush

into the world

excited to go

to do

to see

to experience?


When do we become cautions,

of people

of the world

of our own selves?


We learn to  

hedge our bets and

couch our opinions in qualifiers

so as not to upset anyone, anything.

We water down our desires,

expect less,

express less,

enjoy life less.


And how do we get it back?

That vibrant life,

that wild joy

we all once had                                        


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