Friday, November 27, 2020

Thankful 55

I love this time of year
when the land
gathers itself
for its long, cold sleep
when the leaves
no longer hide
the structure of
 the trees
and the work of
is complete
I love the small
of light
and warmth
in the darkness
I love
the reminder
of vastness
beyond myself

These are 55 words chosen and arranged for Verse Escape where Hedgewitch carries on the kick-ass tradition of the Friday 55 that was started by Galen, a most kick-ass human.  

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Election 2020

How dare you
bring your guns and your god
to the voting booth.
Take your threats
and your devotion to hate
they have no place here.
Fold them carefully
and put them into a box
and store it on the
highest shelf
in the back of your closet.
This is no longer acceptable.
It never was, but
the man behind the curtain
tried to make to believe
it was.
You were fooled, taken in.
We forgive you,
but now you know better,
so do better.
Put away your hate and your ammo
and pull the blinders from your eyes.
Welcome back to sanity,
to humanity.       

Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday 55 - Catwalk

I live in the country.
I have a barn, and barn cats.

The cats come with me on my walks.

I walk a long way and they have short legs.

Summer get so blasted hot,

and the winters get bitterly cold.


I tell them to go home

but of course, being cats,

they don't listen.



This is for Hedgewitch at Verse Escape who carries on the good work of Friday 55 started by Galen.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Friday 55 - Of Cats and Cars

Some days I feel
like a slinky, black cat
tiptoeing gracefully through life
feeling sleek and
giving you
a knowing wink
Then there are days
when I feel as if
someone put sand
in my gasoline,
and sputtering,
hardly able to work
my eggbeater hairbrush,
about to break down
at any moment.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pure Souls and Saucers of Milk

Acolytes roam through the city
looking for pure souls
and saucers of milk
It’s nearly time for the rapture
and all the worthy
are gathered in the street
That’s right, suckers,
cats rule
and dogs and humans…
well, you know.

This is for The Sunday Muse, where Carrie provided this delightful picture to write about.

P.S. I'm not pleased with the title of this, but finally wanted to post while it was still Sunday!  Any suggestions?

Friday, October 16, 2020

Good Friday 55

It’s Friday.
but no fish on Fridays
people have turned it into
a celebration,
a treat.
Now we look forward
to Friday fish fry. 

Perhaps we were not made
for a severe, vengeful god
but for a god of
delight in the wonders
of this world.     
when ordered to make a sacrifice 
How amazing that?

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Friday 55 - Otis

My blind dog whines
because he wants me to play tug.
He does not whine
when he bumps into the door frame,
or the chair I forgot to push in.

And if I make him stay home
when I go somewhere
he always welcomes me back
with doggy exuberance
and more love than I deserve.

This is for the Friday 55 at Verse Escape.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

He Said - She Said - Albert Camus


"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
-Albert Camus

-Photo by Mary Bach

Sunday, September 27, 2020

We've Got Cows - The Sunday Muse


Come, sweet Hathor
my space-cow
bring your children
back from playing leapfrog
with the moon.
The glass on the counter
is half full
and the sweet clover
is blossoming in the field
and soft, September breeze
spills milkweed seed everywhere.
They fly with exuberance,
though they will die,
preparing for next year’s
Come with me, Hathor,
from the Aaru
back into to time,
back into this world
of grass and dirt and sun
back to this afternoon
of warm sunshine
and soft grasses
of falcons circling high above
and crows preening
in a nearby oak
talking amongst themselves.
Of course, it won’t last forever
my dear,
that’s what makes it
The image is provided by The Sunday Muse.  
Aaru – in ancient Egyptian mythology the Field of Reeds, is the heavenly paradise
Hathor - ancient Egyptian goddess depicted as a cow, or a woman with the head of a cow, considered the primeval goddess from whom all others were derived. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday 55 - Look Out

I think one day
the world will be taken over
by grey haired, women poets.
They are a radical bunch
eloquent, but enigmatic
with their coffee and tea and gin
their gardens, their books
and their views
that society should
be tipped on its head.
So, if you’re at the top
brace yourself
because it’s coming.

Image:Author unknown. Please email me for credit or removal of image.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Maurice and Otis


Offer it Up

It’s not the wickedness that kills us
but the expectations
and the pretense

It’s not the poison apple

or even the apple

of The Knowledge of Good and Evil

it’s the hundreds of apples

over the years

bruised and mealy

offered for our own good


It’s not the single, clean stab of a blade

it’s a thousand paper cuts

it’s not one deep gash from the sword

but a million little jabs of the pen

that add up to our demise


Death by hypocrisy

death by conformity

death by good intentions


Image by Brooke Shaden.

Written  shockingly late for The Sunday Muse.

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Trouble with 'The Trouble with Poetry'

Today I read

the 'Trouble with Poetry'

by Billy Collins

and the trouble with that is

that now I want to steal

those words he has written,

which is exactly

what the poem is about.

Well, exactly, sort of,

in the way poetry is always

about something, but it’s really about

something else altogether too.           

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Autumn Fruits


Over at dVerse Poets' Pub Laura has asked us, keeping September in mind, to write a nine-line verse, taking one of several lines from different poets so that each consecutive word becomes the start of the next line of the poem. I chose the following:

Those/ pale /flowers /might /still /have/ time/ to /fruit  from Karina Borowicz’s ‘September Tomatoes 


Those autumn evenings grow crisp at the edges.

Pale moonlight spills on fields as that first star

flowers in the darkening sky.

Might this inexorable transition towards winter

still surprise us, still catch in our throats?

Have we lost our awe of beauty, death,

time slipping into past?

Today we should enjoy the final

fruit, sweetened by September’s breeze.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Over Time

I make these plans
and sometimes they work out
but sometimes…
well, it would be interesting
to eavesdrop on my self
five years ago, or fifteen, or fifty
to hear the things
I thought were
so important

then turn to
my worries of today

This is a quadrille, for dVerse Poets' Pub where Kim has asked us for 44 words, exactly, that include some form of "eavesdropping."

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Summer Smiles in Yellow

Back in that other place there was a thing called Wordless Wednesday.  You post a picture with no explanation and the hashtag "wordlesswednesday" (and whatever others are fitting).  So, this post is not wordless, and it's not Wednesday, but I'm going to start doing it here with this "wordy Thursday" picture. :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The First of September

So what do I write on this first day
of this new month, September, this
almost autumn?

Do I write about how the garden
is nearly exhausted?
Do I write about how the leaves
are already beginning to turn?

Do I write about my dad, born in this month,
whose favorite color was red,
whose favorite flower was the American Beauty Rose,
whose favorite season was autumn?
Do I write about his strong, freckled hands,
or his neat-nick habits
or his quick mind
or his laugh that filled rooms
or his clever sense of humor?                  

Or do I write about the cooler nights
and the shorter days
and how death is coming for us all?

This is linked to dVerse Poets' Pub for their open link night.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Growing Pains

There is treasure all around
but you blacken and turn inward.

You are an ink blot
on an illuminated manuscript

a burning nettle
in a field of wildflowers

a sliver
in the pink pad of a finger

Let me help you pack
your blanket and suitcase.
You no longer belong
or want 
to be here. 

55 Words for Hedgewitch at Verse Escape.       

Everything Old is New Again

About 100 years ago (give or take a few decades; well, quite a few decades; well, in my defense I was told there would be no math) I started a blog on Blogger called Writing in the Bachs.  And in time I migrated over to Wordpress, where I wrote and took pictures at In Other Words. And I was relatively content there.  But they changed something that bothered me just enough that I decided to come back here and start over.  So here I am.

Back Off, Microsoft

AI I don’t want a copilot when I write ever. You can clean my house, wash my clothes maybe even do my taxes. But do not “hel...