Friday, November 27, 2020

Thankful 55

I love this time of year
when the land
gathers itself
for its long, cold sleep
when the leaves
no longer hide
the structure of
 the trees
and the work of
is complete
I love the small
of light
and warmth
in the darkness
I love
the reminder
of vastness
beyond myself

These are 55 words chosen and arranged for Verse Escape where Hedgewitch carries on the kick-ass tradition of the Friday 55 that was started by Galen, a most kick-ass human.  


  1. This is so evocative of ths season of change,of Earth putting herself to bed for the long winter, of the rightness and comfort of the natural order of the world. I especially like "when.. the work of/autumn/is complete.." Thanks so much for bringing this to the 55, Mary, and I hope you had a kickass Thanksgiving which will last all weekend.

    1. Thank you, Hedgie. And thanks for hosting the 55!

  2. You have an attitude of gratitude. See? I always knew you had an attitude!

    This is as sweet and gentle as a book and fireplace. I love it.

  3. Other Mary, not contrary ... very kick ass. Lovely poetry.

  4. Love this! Cozy and curious at once.

  5. This is so beautiful, rich with the season and gratitude.


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