Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday 55 - Catwalk

I live in the country.
I have a barn, and barn cats.

The cats come with me on my walks.

I walk a long way and they have short legs.

Summer get so blasted hot,

and the winters get bitterly cold.


I tell them to go home

but of course, being cats,

they don't listen.



This is for Hedgewitch at Verse Escape who carries on the good work of Friday 55 started by Galen.


  1. I'm impressed by the determined cats! And that pictures is adorable.

  2. Cats are a force of nature more than equal to a little heat or snow, it seems, and there is a comfort in having such beings choosing to follow you around. Thanks for playing, Mary, and for cheering me up with your 55. May your weekend kick as much ass as your barn cats.

  3. Not should they! They have cat ways to maintain and cat cred to establish. ;-) Love this.

  4. This is simply delightful!! Cheers.

  5. They do have minds of their own. Love this Mary!

  6. Love it.. I have two outside cats that others have abandoned that visit for treats and petting.

  7. Thanks everyone for venturing out here and commenting. I've also stopped by and left comments for you. Hope you all had a kickass weekend!


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