Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday 55 - Catwalk

I live in the country.
I have a barn, and barn cats.

The cats come with me on my walks.

I walk a long way and they have short legs.

Summer get so blasted hot,

and the winters get bitterly cold.


I tell them to go home

but of course, being cats,

they don't listen.



This is for Hedgewitch at Verse Escape who carries on the good work of Friday 55 started by Galen.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Friday 55 - Of Cats and Cars

Some days I feel
like a slinky, black cat
tiptoeing gracefully through life
feeling sleek and
giving you
a knowing wink
Then there are days
when I feel as if
someone put sand
in my gasoline,
and sputtering,
hardly able to work
my eggbeater hairbrush,
about to break down
at any moment.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pure Souls and Saucers of Milk

Acolytes roam through the city
looking for pure souls
and saucers of milk
It’s nearly time for the rapture
and all the worthy
are gathered in the street
That’s right, suckers,
cats rule
and dogs and humans…
well, you know.

This is for The Sunday Muse, where Carrie provided this delightful picture to write about.

P.S. I'm not pleased with the title of this, but finally wanted to post while it was still Sunday!  Any suggestions?

Friday, October 16, 2020

Good Friday 55

It’s Friday.
but no fish on Fridays
people have turned it into
a celebration,
a treat.
Now we look forward
to Friday fish fry. 

Perhaps we were not made
for a severe, vengeful god
but for a god of
delight in the wonders
of this world.     
when ordered to make a sacrifice 
How amazing that?

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Friday 55 - Otis

My blind dog whines
because he wants me to play tug.
He does not whine
when he bumps into the door frame,
or the chair I forgot to push in.

And if I make him stay home
when I go somewhere
he always welcomes me back
with doggy exuberance
and more love than I deserve.

This is for the Friday 55 at Verse Escape.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

He Said - She Said - Albert Camus


"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
-Albert Camus

-Photo by Mary Bach

Back Off, Microsoft

AI I don’t want a copilot when I write ever. You can clean my house, wash my clothes maybe even do my taxes. But do not “hel...