Friday, November 27, 2020

Thankful 55

I love this time of year
when the land
gathers itself
for its long, cold sleep
when the leaves
no longer hide
the structure of
 the trees
and the work of
is complete
I love the small
of light
and warmth
in the darkness
I love
the reminder
of vastness
beyond myself

These are 55 words chosen and arranged for Verse Escape where Hedgewitch carries on the kick-ass tradition of the Friday 55 that was started by Galen, a most kick-ass human.  

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Election 2020

How dare you
bring your guns and your god
to the voting booth.
Take your threats
and your devotion to hate
they have no place here.
Fold them carefully
and put them into a box
and store it on the
highest shelf
in the back of your closet.
This is no longer acceptable.
It never was, but
the man behind the curtain
tried to make to believe
it was.
You were fooled, taken in.
We forgive you,
but now you know better,
so do better.
Put away your hate and your ammo
and pull the blinders from your eyes.
Welcome back to sanity,
to humanity.       

Back Off, Microsoft

AI I don’t want a copilot when I write ever. You can clean my house, wash my clothes maybe even do my taxes. But do not “hel...