Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Over Time

I make these plans
and sometimes they work out
but sometimes…
well, it would be interesting
to eavesdrop on my self
five years ago, or fifteen, or fifty
to hear the things
I thought were
so important

then turn to
my worries of today

This is a quadrille, for dVerse Poets' Pub where Kim has asked us for 44 words, exactly, that include some form of "eavesdropping."


  1. Interesting take on eavesdropping


  2. This reminded me of something a wise person once told me. If you are worried about something, stop and consider if you will be worrying about it a year from now. If the answer is no, don't worry! Good

    1. Very good advice. I've heard that too. Of course following it is another matter altogether! Haha!

  3. This is so true! That would be very interesting, and maybe hilarious, to eavesdrop on my past self.

    1. Yes - it could be a real hoot to visit one's past self!

  4. Oh, excellent thought, Mary! The things we work ourselves up about change from year to year. To be honest, I’ve forgotten all the things I used to worry about, especially since the pandemic started.

    1. Yes, I think the pandemic has changed a lot of things for nearly all of us. I've forgotten many of my worries from before too. In that sense it's been a good thing, really helps to sort out our priorities.

  5. Indeed... some of our worries of the past are so insignificant today.

  6. Yes, I know many of mine are. Thanks for stopping by, Bjorn. :)

  7. This is such an evocative write, Mary!❤️

  8. Things certainly do change over time, don't they? I liked this take on the word, Mary.

  9. a most unique take on the prompt but so fitting Mary
    (guess you could not handle WP blocks so am glad to have found you here)

  10. You're right, Laura. I am not particularly techie, and I resented spending more time formatting my writing than actually writing, ha. Thank you for your comment, and for following here.


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