Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Offer it Up

It’s not the wickedness that kills us
but the expectations
and the pretense

It’s not the poison apple

or even the apple

of The Knowledge of Good and Evil

it’s the hundreds of apples

over the years

bruised and mealy

offered for our own good


It’s not the single, clean stab of a blade

it’s a thousand paper cuts

it’s not one deep gash from the sword

but a million little jabs of the pen

that add up to our demise


Death by hypocrisy

death by conformity

death by good intentions


Image by Brooke Shaden.

Written  shockingly late for The Sunday Muse.


  1. Shockingly late produced shockingly amazing! This hits hard and true.

  2. Wow! This is terrific. "it’s the hundreds of apples / over the years / bruised and mealy / offered for our own good" - great. And I love the three thwacks there at the end...

    1. Haha! Thanks Q. Nothing like a few good thwacks with your apple pie...or cake.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I almost didn't post until I saw you message to get writing.

  4. This is absolutely amazing Mary! It is a thousand paper cuts and apples over the years! Powerful truth flowing here! Love love love this!!!

  5. As the slow dripping of water reshapes stone. This is incredibly and uncomfortably true.

  6. This is nice, Mary. Glad t4o see you write. Right away I was hinging of the gun advocates, "It's not the gun that kills but the ... " I'll say it's the short tempered people who kill, the raciests that say one more (so and so) is down, and that ilk. Take away their guns would take away a lot of killing by cowards like me.
    I have three guns, my childhood BB gun that still shoots and two other guns that I've never shot and really don't know how. Those last, one is a 22 gauge rifle that I inherited from my dad. It is at least 50 years old, a Montgomery Ward brand, that Dad used to hunt rabbits for my grandmother to clean and cook for them. The other is a Spanish pistol from a friend that I have inherited when he died. It has never been fired and the company has long been out of business. I would never disclose any of those and probably won't shoot any, perhaps the BB gun for target practice. Shooting is an Olympic sport.

  7. Thanks Jim. It's been a long time. I didn't really think about the gun problem/issue in the US when I wrote this. I learned to shoot a BB gun when I was a kid, but I never shot at anything living. And I agree exactly that it is people who kill, but guns sure make it a lot easier and more efficient for them. Maybe that's why the military gives them our. ;-)

    1. Out - gives them out! Ug! Great way to end on a typo!


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