Sunday, October 31, 2021

Vashta Nerada


There are always more shadows than light
yet, without the light
there would be no shadows

The moon is always here

removed, going about her business

but always a witness

to the things that happen in the night


She is not new

or slivered

or halved

that is only what we see


She is older than memory, older than superstition,

and full as the fire that consumes you



Follow the light, if you will,

but never forget

to count the shadows

The image is provided as a writing prompt by The Sunday Muse.  Check it out.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Running with Scissors

Well, not scissors.  X-acto knives to be accurate.  And we were not really running either, at least not most of the time.  My daughter and I were mostly seated with X-acto knives, but that isn't a very catchy title, is it?  Anyway, we took our X-acto knives and some painting cavasses stretched on wood frames and cut out trees, then painted them.  I did the black one and my daughter did the white.  And I thought they turned out tolerably well.


The Sunday Muse 156


Image Anthony Edwards in "Northfolk"

The voices in my head

all agree it's


They whisper

then laugh at me

and my feeble attempts

to navigate through another day

another labyrinthian set of interactions


with my fellow humans.

Why is it so difficult?

How can I find the courage

yet again

to face each one,

when every



every conversation,

is a pit with sharpened sticks

waiting for me to fall

and impale myself upon them?


Others don’t even notice

the red, neon signs


that begin blinking above their heads

as soon as I walk up to them.


So once again,

I prepare to go out,

prepare to do battel with

everyone who is going about their business

so casually,

so comfortably.


For them it’s easy-peasy.

They have no idea

just how harrowing it is,

how exhausting it is,

every damn day.

Picture prompt from The Sunday Muse.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

In the Field of the Sky Ponies

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” Rumi.

Meet me in the field

that has no fence,

where the sky ponies graze,                                                      

above the earth

and beyond the heavens


Here we can speak

of all the things we keep hidden

as we lay in the grass

holding hands


Here our secrets shine and spin

then burn out,

their powers spent


Here our truths seed the prairie

that grows and blooms

beyond all sight


Here we are safe

Here we are sacred

The image Indigo Sky Mares, by Laurel Burch is provided as a writing prompt by The Sunday Muse.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

How Do You Spell Relief?

Biden - Harris

It was a huge relief after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in.  After that ceremony I felt as if I was able to take the first deep breath in over four years.  I don't mean for this blog to be an overtly political place, but as a human being with both a brain and a soul (or a sense of right and wrong, if you prefer) I can't feel otherwise, and I feel compelled to share that here.  The place where all eight of you might see it.  Cause I'm real outspoken like that.

Alright, please feel free to go about your business.  And perhaps in the near future I'll even post some poetry on here again.


Back Off, Microsoft

AI I don’t want a copilot when I write ever. You can clean my house, wash my clothes maybe even do my taxes. But do not “hel...