Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Eclipse – day becomes night

nature goes silent

people stand in



this darkness

has the power to stop us,

make us consider forces beyond


We are reminded

we are part of something


than our society,

our technology


In the dark we are one


Happy Birthday Sandy,

my best friend from little on…

We were inseparable,

until sometime in middle school.

We broke apart.

But we came back together again,

like one of those broken bowls

with the gold in the cracks

put back together

stronger than before.

But the bowl of our friendship

was hurled down again,

by circumstance

more than anger or will.

And as we tried to glue us back together

you flung sharp, hurtful arrows,

at me.  You had no

respect for my life and choices.

Did you know how that would hurt?

Did you know I could never

trust you or

be comfortable with

you again?

The pottery of our friendship

has broken in too many places;

it cannot be fixed. 

We will be cordial,

we will be civil,

we will be pleasant,

but we will never again be close

as we once were.                                                       146


Sunday, May 26, 2024


Family - pride and love and conflict,

a stew of all these flavors

and so many more

all steeped in unspoken resentment

through lifetimes and


Babies born too soon,

or raised by grandparents,

that uncle who was always

a little…funny

Some joking, some drinking,

some ethnic slurs

The older generation a little racist

and the younger one

a little insufferable

and in the middle

pressure from both sides

but what can you do?

After all,

it’s family.                                                     76

Saturday, May 25, 2024


You crawl before me,

yet, when I turn my head

you  run, you fly.

You’re gone

and I can never catch up,

never get you back.

Eternity spreads out before me,

yet my path


a little more



until one day it comes down to a


a period.

And we all know

a period signifies the



Thursday, May 2, 2024

Writing about not Writing, but with Rhyme

Nothing much to say today

My thoughts have dried and blown away.

No joyful verse with a cherry ring

no lyrics for anyone to sing

no humor, no sorrow, no angry rants

about liars with fires in their pants.

No sentimental sop, no wishful dreaming,

no outraged protests to be read screaming,

no flights of fancy or bumble bees,

no pleading to deities on my knees.

Nothing much to say today,

the muse has stolen my words away.                                  


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Well, Shoot


Today someone was shot.

I live in America.

In America

someone is shot every day.


At least one person dies

every day

in my state.

Many people are shot

in my country every day


because I live in America

land of the brave.

And you’d better be brave

because tomorrow

you may be the one

to get shot.                                                   

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Just Call Me Alice - NaPoWriMo #30!

Just Call Me Alice

I’m at a loss. 

This world doesn’t make

 sense to me.

Everyone is in a rush,

worried over being late,

and I can never quite catch up.

People hide behind false smiles,

bright and frightening.

And soon as I figure something out

it all changes.

Little things become big deals,

as easy as pie (or cake).

Everything I know

falls around me like a house of cards.

How do I wake from this nightmare?


Eclipse – day becomes night nature goes silent people stand in  wonder   this darkness has the power to stop us, make us consider forces bey...